Program targeting the repurposing of underutilized places of worship of heritage value

Support for projects concerning the repurposing of places of worship of heritage value aims to preserve the heritage value of buildings while promoting a transition towards a new use rooted in the needs of the community.
The law on the secularity of the State (chapitre L-0.3) must be taken into account in the application of this program. For mor informations, municipalities can contact the Secrétariat à la réforme des institutions démocratiques, à l'accès à l'information et à la laïcité (SRIDAIL) :
Reflections on transformation
Participate in our webinars (in French) on the process of requalifying a place of worship. For more details.
Call for projects in progress, deadline march 29 2024See the recipients for 2023-2024 |
Click here to view the presentation of the requalification program information session of february 1, 2024. |
The program includes two distinct sections:
Section 1 | Section 2 |
Incubator for repurposing projects | Repurposing of places of worship of heritage value |
1. Objectives
Section 1 – Incubator for Repurposing Projects This section’s objective is to support organizations wishing to realize repurposing projects in the first steps of the planning process. In addition to providing ad hoc financial assistance for the completion of technical assessments, business plans, and other tools necessary for planning projects, it provides participating organizations with networking and training opportunities. More specifically, it pursues the following objectives:
Section 2 – Repurposing of places of worship of heritage valueThis section’s objective is to provide grants to the owners of places of worship of heritage value wishing to carry out restoration and upgrading to standards projects necessary for a change of use, while promoting the conservation and enhancement of their heritage characteristics.
2. Eligible Clientele
Includes the following owners of an eligible building or their proxy (designated by resolution):
Excluding the following owners:
3. Eligible Property
Section 1 – Incubator for Repurposing ProjectsEligible properties under Section 1 include places of worship of heritage value constructed before 1976 whose status corresponds to one of the following under the Cultural Heritage Act (RLRQ, chapitre P-9.002):
Section 2 – Repurposing of places of worship of heritage valueProperties eligible under section 2 include places of worship of heritage value constructed before 1976 whose status corresponds to one of the following under the Cultural Heritage Act (RLRQ, chapitre P-9.002):
4. Eligible projects and expenses
Eligible expenses include professional fees surrounding the completion of assessments concerning the planning of a repurposing project for an eligible building, judged to be pertinent and authorized by the management committee. The following are not eligible for reimbursement by the program:
Other aspects of this section Projects may remain in the incubator for a maximum of 24 months after the confirmation letter. Studies completed through allocated financial assistance may be used by the Ministry of Culture and Communications and the CPRQ for purposed of dissemination, transmission and education, for the benefit of other repurposing projects. The Ministry can award a certificate of quality to projects coming out of the incubator. Section 2 – Repurposing of places of worship of heritage valueThe following are eligible:
The following are not eligible for reimbursement by the program:
5.Presentation of Projects
Section 1 – Incubator for Repurposing ProjectsThe application for financial assistance must be completed through the form provided by the Québec Religious Heritage Council (CPRQ) and be accompanied by the following documents:
Section 2 – Repurposing of places of worship of heritage valueThe application for financial assistance must be submitted through the form provided by the Québec Religious Heritage Council (CPRQ) and must be accompanied by the following documents:
6. Selection process and evaluation criteria for projects
When a request involves a municipality, the Council will carry out a pre-analysis of the file based in particular on the guide/memory sheet that will be provided to them, in order to ensure that the provisions of the Law on secularism of the State are taken into account A jury will be responsible for the analysis of the applications for financial assistance and formulate recommendations for the program’s management committee. This analysis will be conducted based on the evaluation criteria below, in addition to other factors. Section 1 – Incubator for repurposing projectsEvaluation Criteria for Projects
Section 2 – Repurposing of places of worship of heritage valueEvaluation Criteria for Projects:
7. Calculations for financial assistance
Section 1 - Incubator for repurposing projectsMaximum financial assistance is 75% of eligible expenses. The total sum of costs of public financial assistance cannot surpass 100 % of expenses eligible to the program. Furthermore, a minimal contribution of 20 % of eligible expenses is required of applicants that qualify as for-profit entities. The total sum of public financial assistance includes financial assistance from governmental ministries and organizations (federal or provincial), state-owned enterprises and municipal entities. The term municipal entities includes municipal bodies under Article 5 of the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of Personal information. This calculation excludes the contribution of the project’s beneficiaries, which can take the form of financial, material, or human resources. Section 2 – Repurposing of places of worship of heritage valueMaximum financial assistance is from 50% to 70% of the cost of eligible expenses.
Consultez le site du MAMH pour connaître l'indice de la RFU par unité d'évaluation imposable et compensable The total sum of costs of public financial assistance cannot surpass 100 % of expenses eligible to the program. Furthermore, a minimal contribution of 20 % of eligible expenses is required of applicants that qualify as for-profit entities. The total sum of public financial assistance includes financial assistance from governmental ministries and organizations (federal or provincial), state-owned enterprises and municipal entities. The term municipal entities includes municipal bodies under Article 5 of the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of Personal information. This calculation excludes the contribution of the project’s beneficiaries, which can take the form of financial, material, or human resources. |
8. Obligations of the Beneficiary
In order to receive financial assistance, the beneficiary must sign a convention of financial assistance with the Council. This convention compels the beneficiary to respect all obligations expected of them as well as those expected of the program. |