Dominican Missionary Adorers – Archives Department

131 rue des Dominicaines, Québec (Quebec) G1E 6S8
Archives are not available for consultation.
The Dominican Missionary Adorers Congregation was founded by Julienne Dallaire on April 30th, 1945 on the second floor of a home in Beauport. The canonical establishment was proclaimed on October 7th 1948 at the same time that Mother Julienne of the Rosary (Julienne Dallaire) and Sœur Colette Brousseau were taking their perpetual vows. Seven others also took their vows on this same day. In 1952, the Dominican Missionary Adorers were certified by the Order of Saint-Dominic, in the same year that they established themselves on the hill of Beauport, at the Cénacle du Cœur Eucharistique. For the last 75 years, the Dominican Missionary Adorers have spread the devotion to the Cœur Eucharistique through their missions, works, and followers. The congregation founded its first mission in Alberta in 1955 before extending its missionary reach to Peru in 1962 and Haiti in 1967. Currently, only the mission in Chaclacayo, Peru remains active. Here as elsewhere, groups of laypersons and priests continue still today to nourish body and soul in the spirit of Mother Julienne of the Rosary.
The archives department brings together fonds and collections that bear witness to the history of the Dominican Missionary Adorers. They contain the founding documents, the acts of the general chapters, the minutes of proceedings from the general council and the files of deceased sisters. The different fonds teach us about the community’s functions, about past and present accomplishments, about its many missions, and about each of the sisters who shaped its history. While most of the documents are text documents in paper or digital format, there remains an imposing mass of photographic, iconographic, and audio-visual records attesting to this young history of seventy-five years. There is also a collection of archives devoted to the beatification and canonisation of God’s servant, Mother Julienne of the Rosary.
Other collections
A substantial collection of objects also enriches the Dominican Missionary Adorers’ heritage with its diversity and excellent state of conservation.
Other collections: relics, medals, religious images and postcards.
Time span covered by archives: 1883--today
Iconographic documents: approx. 30,000
Textual documents: approx. 130 m.l.
Digital data: 350 Gb
Number of fonds: 133
The Dominican Missionary Adorers’ Archives Department has a mandate to acquire, process, and preserve the congregation’s textual and non-textual archives. It is also responsible for the collection of objects that have accumulated since its foundation. More specifically, the archives department hopes to keep the memory of its founders (Mother Julienne of the Rosary, Canon Cyrille Labrecque and Sister Colette Brousseau) and that of the congregation alive by bearing witness to the organisation, its works, its disciples, and its missions.