The Conseil du patrimoine culturel du Québec is launching a new publication on protected heritage for 100 years

The year 2022 marks the centenary of the adoption of the first law protecting heritage in Quebec: the Law relating to the conservation of monuments and works of art having historical or artistic interest, corresponding today to the Law Cultural Heritage. Over the course of the legislative changes made over the past 100 years, new categories of heritage, new protection statuses and new players have appeared. The law has gradually taken a broader and more inclusive look at the notion of heritage to reflect the values of society. On the occasion of this centenary, the Conseil du patrimoine culturel du Québec puts online the Portrait of cultural heritage protected by Quebec law, 1922-2022. This unpublished document offers a geographical, chronological and typological analysis of all the statuses granted over the last century. It is intended as a discovery tool for the general public and a decision-making aid for specialists and amateurs involved in the protection and enhancement of heritage.
Portrait du patrimoine culturel protégé par la loi du Québec, 1922-2022